Landmark's goal
December 12, 2022

Sharpening our focus
Every 40 years or so SF Landmark makes a change, (whether we need to or not). The desire to create beautiful graphics has led us to develop a wide range of techniques and technologies over the years and it's been wonderfully fun and challenging. The challenge that came with the lockdown regime put a stop to all of that "pursuing your dream" business and our idle hands tapped out a rhythmic pattern while awaiting the inevitable sunrise. These 2+ years have led to the decision to focus on one thing. One favorite thing. One unique, valuable and challenging thing.
One favorite thing. One unique, valuable and challenging thing.
"THE Fabric Source"
In 2017 we opened the fabric shop. We invested in top of the line grand format dye-sublimation equipment and built out a shop dedicated to this. The learning curve was intense, but we soon developed our skills and began providing the incredibly beautiful dye-sub fabrics of our dreams. We were hitting our stride in 2019 and the dream was alive. That dream is what carried us through the dark night and as our industry is waking up, there is a renewed inspiration to take this dream to the next level.
The dye-sub process is more complex than direct inkjet printing. Many of the same principles apply, color calibration and file preparation especially, but there's a host of details that must be managed to produce a successful piece. Our desire is to perfect the process from end to end and become known as THE PLACE TO GO for dye-sub fabric. We're devoting resources to every aspect of the life cycle of our fabric, looking for new ways to optimize the printing, exceed expectations in service and discover new ways to reduce the overall ecological cost.
The constant in our 40 years is craftsmanship. We care about a great piece creating a happy customer. We're excited to be on this new leg of the journey and seeing so many smiles again. I hope we can bring a smile to your face and to your customers in turn; the event attendees, viewers of your film and photography projects, visitors to your spaces and every creative place our fabric can fill and make special.